Sunday 30 August 2015

Ballroom dress beading

For my dance exams I wrote about last week I, of course, also needed a ballroom dress. I wanted to wear the dress I wore to my graduation ball, but it had to be shortened. Unfortunately, when I took my dress out of the cupboard, I turned out that just shortening the dress wasn't the only thing that was needed. Underneath the old beading, the fabric was discoloured, because of which I decided to put on new beading over the discoloured parts.
Discoloured parts with and without old beading
I used embroidery hoops to keep the fabric taut whilst putting on the beading. I did this by threading four beads and putting the needle straight through the fabric.
Four beads threaded
Then I inserted the needle straight back up to the right side between the second and the third bead, after which I threaded the third and the fourth bead again. This made sure that the beads stayed in place. I followed the pattern of all discoloured parts.

Appliqué with beading

It took some time, but eventually the dress looks much better.

- Love, Marieke

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