Sunday 14 February 2016

Creating a pompon on your hand

Pompons make for a nice decoration on, for example, beanies. Of course you can buy them ready-made, but what if you have wool in a less common colour? You make it yourself of course! There are different ways of making pompons. You can use, for example, a store-bought pompon maker, or, as I was taught in primary school, use two cardboard rings. However, if you don't have one of those fancy pompon makers and you don't have any spare cardboard lying around, there is a third way of making a pompon: on your hand! Read further to learn how to easily create these fluffy yourself.

- Wool in the desired colour  
- Scissors
- Your hand

Start wrapping the wool around your fingers. Depending on the desired size of the pompon, you can wrap the wool around one or more fingers.
Keep wrapping the wool until you have a fairly thick layer of wool. The thicker this layer, the denser the structure of the pompon will be.

Now take the wool carefully from your fingers and wrap the end of the wool a couple of times around the bundle. Tie this off tightly.

Now cut through the loops of the bundle. Be careful when doing this that you won't cut the piece of wool with which the bundle is tied off.

Once all the loops are cut through you've created a fluffy pompon in under 5 minutes!

How do you like this method for making pompons?

-Love, Marieke

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