Sunday 3 January 2016

New Year's Resolutions

200508 Firework of Lake of Annecy festival (280).jpg
"200508 Firework of Lake of Annecy festival (280)". Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Hi everyone,

Happy New Year! With a new year there are always the new year´s resolutions, and I´ve made some creativity/blog-related ones. Read further to see what I want to achieve the coming year.
Update my blog at least once a week
Since I started my blog I´ve tried posting weekly, but I failed more than once. This year I want to plan better, so that there will be a post every Sunday.

Finish two sweaters and knit two more
A while back I started a cable sweater and switched some time later to a simpler sweater to first really get the hang of knitting. This year I at least want to finish those two sweaters, and, additionally, knit two more, one of which will be a Christmas sweater.

Set up Etsy shop
About three months ago I started setting up an Etsy shop, but lacking (good) photos of things I would like to sell, I haven´t finished this yet. This year I at least want to finish setting it up, and maybe also sell some things.

Revive Stitch Sunday 
The series Stitch Sunday hasn´t seen an update in a while. I want to continue working on this and post a new video with a new stitch at least once a month.

New series: Pokémon
Being a geek, I also love Pokémon. At the moment I´m making a large Pokémon plushie for my boyfriend, but I want to make many more. The eventual goal is to crochet every Pokémon, but for 2016 I want to make at least 20.

There are a couple of other things I´d like to achieve this year, but they were not quite resolution-worthy in my eyes. 

Do you have any creativity-related resolutions?

-Love, Marieke

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